As a fashion retailer, it’s imperative that the product descriptions you list on your eCommerce site persuade your customers that they simply must have your items. A great product description is the difference between your next sale and your potential customer looking elsewhere.
The elements of a high-converting product description
Whether you’re providing detailed information to someone looking for a specific garment or converting someone who’s just browsing into knowing they must own that item, your product description needs to do all the work to encourage them to make that purchase.
A high-converting product description needs to speak directly to your buyer. It’s imperative to include the unique selling points (USPs) that make your product or brand distinctive as well as more in-depth features of the garment that your potential customer may not have noticed at first glance. Describe when and how it can be worn so they can be sure it fits into their lifestyle. Once they know how much the product will benefit them, they’ll be much happier to part with their money and make that all-important purchase.
Tips for writing an effective fashion product description
1. Talk directly to your target buyer
It’s important to know your target market and aim your product descriptions directly at them. Think about their age group and the language they would use, what questions they would ask and what may sway them to buy an item.
For example, when selling suits to professional men aged between 40 and 60, you’d need a more serious tone and to be more descriptive about the type and cut of the fabric while a clothing brand aimed at men and women in their twenties should be more informal, humorous and possibly include slang.
Visualise your customer in front of you and write the product description as though you are actually talking to them. Make it personal to build up a level of trust and confidence in your brand.
2. Keep your tone and content consistent
Once you’ve decided on the tone that best suits your brand, you need to keep it consistent throughout your website as well as on other resources, such as newsletters and social media platforms. This builds up your brand’s reputation and converts browsers into buyers. Your product descriptions should all be written in the same tone to keep your customers engaged and it’s also important to keep the descriptions to the same length. If one product has an extensive description while another has a vague line or two, this won’t fill a customer with much confidence about your brand’s quality and reliability.
3. Be concise without using jargon
Use precise descriptions of your products without using vague or generic wording. For example, instead of saying a jumper is ‘great’, describe it as being ‘soft’. Don’t waste the precious space you have allocated for a product description with ‘fluff’ but use it to answer any questions that a potential buyer may have about that particular product. Point out the details that your customer may not have noticed, such as a hidden pocket inside yoga leggings to hold your phone while you work out.
It’s also best to avoid using jargon. Whilst you may be familiar with the latest fashion lingo, your general audience won’t be and may find this off-putting.
4. Ensure you’re both creative and informative
As well as including all of the relevant information, you need to be creative in the way you write to grab your customers’ attention as soon as they look at your products. One way to do this is with storytelling. Form a connection with your reader as they discover how the garment was crafted, where the design inspiration came from and how it will make them feel when they’re wearing it.
Customers like to see the main points of a product at a quick glance and then to have their questions answered in more detail. Bullet points are a handy way to highlight the main USPs but can look basic and indifferent on their own. Paragraphs of writing can be very detailed but may be off-putting if the reader doesn’t have time to sift through the information to find what they are looking for. Depending on the length of your product descriptions, a combination of bullet points and a descriptive paragraph or two is an effective mix.
Let us write high-converting product descriptions for you
At Morex, our highly experienced eCommerce writers can create enticing product descriptions for your online store. They will grab your customers’ attention, highlight your products’ benefits and convert browsers into new and returning customers. Take a look at the services we offer and reap the rewards with increased traffic and sales on your website.