Email Marketing for eCommerce Businesses

Since the first marketing email was sent in 1973, quality emails have been one of the most sought-after tools for marketing professionals. If you can master this, your runway will get a whole lot longer.

Ecommerce is all about getting your products in front of your customer. After all, they can’t make any purchases if they aren’t on the checkout page.

There are many strategies to do this, from blog posts to social media advertising. But one of the most effective and longest-standing is eCommerce email marketing.

Many people argue that email is dead. Yet, we continue to use it every day. Ask your colleagues, “when was the last time you spent a day without email?” – is email really dead?

We’re here to show you how to harness such a powerful tool for your business. With some simple steps, can build both relationships and revenue.


What is email marketing?

Email marketing sounds simple enough – you promote your products directly in your customer’s inboxes. This enables you to place them directly in front of your customers – so they’re even more likely to see them.

Pur simply, email marketing is one of the most effective types of content marketing. Usually, your customer has to come to you. This time you come to your customer. That’s what makes email marketing special.

With the ability to combine HTML with images and other graphics, email marketing gives you the flexibility you need. Emails are when you can get creative with your content – because the formatting is in your control.


How can it help my business?

Of course, nobody will see your store’s innovation if you don’t show it off. eCommerce email marketing builds credibility with your customers. You don’t want them to see you as simply a source of products but a consistently innovating brand.

The more people hear about your store, the more people will see you as a trusted source of products. In a phrase: contact builds trust.


What will my ROI look like?

According to studies, email marketing has the highest ROI of any marketing strategy. The power of email marketing is that done right, it has an extremely high rate of return.

With a median ROI of 122%, emails provide a 4x higher return than the next best digital marketing strategy. That’s why email marketing is essential for building growth into your eCommerce store.

Of course, that’s just the MEDIAN – there is plenty of room to grow beyond that 122% figure.


The process


Integrating sign-up forms

The first step to email marketing for eCommerce stores is to build an audience. This can often feel like the most challenging part. Luckily, eCommerce stores are a great place to harvest information from your customers.

Using the checkout page, people on your site will likely be entering their email when they order from you. With a simple opt-out function on your checkout page, this way, it’s more effort for your customers to NOT receive emails from you.

From WordPress to Wix, there are plenty of great sign-up form options for your store. Most high-quality options will integrate directly into your store – making this a seamless experience for your customers.

As always, though, don’t spam your audience – quality businesses will build relationships without spam. Also, ensure that you’re following all relevant GDPR regulations when dealing with people’s data.


Setting up email marketing.

Great – you’ve collected some emails. Now it’s time to build this into a functioning mailing list. There are plenty of platforms that will help you automate this process.

From MailChimp to ConstantContact, the age of sending your emails from your inbox is over. If you want efficiency, it’s best to be using a special-built platform to create and send your mail.

This is great for recurring emails and one-off sales. Simply upload the email you want to send, and assign it to your mailing list of choice.

These platforms can be incredibly helpful for building data sets to improve your emails. They make it incredibly easy to run A/B tests and determine what works for your audience and their preferences.

You want to find out what works and then focus on that. ECommerce email marketing is all about optimization. There’s no point putting time and energy into strategies that yield sub-optimal results.

Now it’s time to send some emails.


Sending newsletters

Now it’s showtime.

Time to send your first eCommerce marketing emails. From HTML docs to plain text, there are plenty of formats to choose from.

But what matters most is the content.

Your emails can be a visual masterpiece, but if they don’t convey the right message, you’ll never drive sales. Writing your emails can be time-consuming and labor-intensive, but you’re not alone.

Morex specializes in creating high-quality, sales-driven emails that reach your customers. With impactful copy and professional writers, we ensure that your open rates stay high. With our expertise, you can focus on running your business while your emails drive sales.

Once you have a recurring stream of email content, sending your emails should be seamless when using the right platforms.

With an organized workflow and dedicated writers, sending your newsletters can be a breeze.


This short introduction to email marketing should be enough to begin your journey. When used correctly, emails are an incredibly lucrative tool, but it’s your job to connect the dots.

With writing services like ours, quality tools for email management, and integrated sign-up forms – there are plenty of services to optimize your email flow.

Whether you’re a new business starting or an established store looking to leverage the power of eCommerce email marketing – we’re here for you to provide professionally written content.

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